Welcome to 2R!

This is our second grade blog! During the year, you will see pictures and posts that show what we are learning in Room 103!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Frosty the penguin comes to visit from Antarctica!


Here’s a calendar for Frosty’s home visits.  Please keep in mind that these dates may change due to snow days, student absences, or the penguin pack being left at someone’s house.  Please help your child remember to return Frosty (and his penguin pack) to school the next day so the scheduled child can bring him home.  Thanks!!!
January 19: Mrs. Reagan
January 20: Lily
January 23: James
January 24: Harry
January 25: Lila
January 26: Christian
January 27: Zachary
January 30: Maya
January 31: Thomas
February 1: Armari
February 2: Lucas
February 3: Charlotte
February 6: Kellen
February 7: Aiden
February 8: Dakota
February 9: Craig

Frosty is happy to be visiting you!  Please write about your adventures together in our classroom penguin journal.  Enjoy!

Expectations for this journal:
1.     Write using a pencil.  Print complete sentences about all you do (or imagine you do) with Frosty.  You may use more than one page.  Use pages in order please.  Each entry should begin on a brand new page.  Include where Frosty goes, what he eats, how he feels, who he meets, and lots more.  Be creative!  Please read my example before you begin.  J
2.    Use friendly letter format (5 parts).
3.    You may also draw a picture, or include a photograph, after you finish all of your writing.  Use only crayons or colored pencils (provided in the penguin pack) for illustrations.  No markers, please.
4.    Mom and Dad, or older siblings, may add an entry too!  Remind them to please print!
5.  Think and plan before you write – a practice draft on scrap paper will be helpful! Use quality printing and spelling.  Write complete, descriptive sentences. Correct use of capitals and punctuation is expected.  
6.    You will read your entry (entries) aloud during our sharing time.  Be prepared by practicing at home to help with accuracy and fluency. 

*Frosty wants to stay only one night at each home (unless it’s a weekend).  Please return him tomorrow. 
**It’s up to you to protect him from young children and animals at your house.  He says “thank you” for keeping him safe. J

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