Welcome to 2R!

This is our second grade blog! During the year, you will see pictures and posts that show what we are learning in Room 103!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Newsletter 1-27-17

January 27, 2017
Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have had lots of fun hearing the adventures that our class penguin Frosty has had!  Just a reminder, please have your child pack all the items back in the plastic bag and then into the canvas bag just the way your child received them.  Next week is the beginning of February and time to start thinking about Valentine’s Day.  If your child plans to buy or make valentines for the students in 2R, please make sure to include everyone.  The list of names is attached.  We will have a Valentine’s Day exchange on Tuesday, February 14.

In the Classroom
In Writer’s Workshop, the kids are happily making books on anything from animals to weather.  They are using technology to do research with a program called Pebble-Go.  Here is the link so you can try it at home. https://pebblego.com
The kids are getting better at developing the structure to write their opinion.   They start with an introduction and include reasons to support their opinion and end with a conclusion. 

The F & P reading assessments for January are complete.  The focus for the rest of the year continues to be fluency, accuracy and comprehension.  Thanks for your support with the reading calendar we send home each month!     

In Math, we will begin Unit 6 on Monday.  This unit will focus on collecting data and displaying it on a picture graph and a bar graph.  Children will solve number stories that describe comparison situations.  They will also begin to solve 2-digit addition and subtraction problems.

Please continue to work with your child on the packet of addition and subtraction facts that were sent home.  Let me know if you need another copy.  This skill is an important one for your child to develop automaticity in so that they can quickly and accurately recite the facts.

Sincerely,                                                                                                      Email: nreagan@sau17.org
Mrs. Reagan                                                                                                 Phone: (603)-642-5272 X 135


February 8 – Early Release
February 14 – Valentine’s Day exchange
February 27-March 3 ~ Winter Vacation

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