Welcome to 2R!

This is our second grade blog! During the year, you will see pictures and posts that show what we are learning in Room 103!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Newsletter 1/19/18

January 19, 2018 Dear Parents and Guardians, Sadly, we had to say good-bye to our classmate Izabella. She and her family have moved to Hooksett. She will be missed by all of us! We are having lots of fun hearing about the adventures that our class penguin Frosty has had! Just a reminder, please have your child pack all the items back in the plastic bag and then into the canvas bag just the way your child received them. February is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about Valentine’s Day. If your child plans to buy or make valentines for the students in 2R, please make sure to include everyone. The list of names is attached. We will have a Valentine’s Day exchange on Wednesday, February 14. In the Classroom In Writer’s Workshop, the kids are learning how to share their opinion to prepare for persuasive writing. We read a book, Stella Writes an Opinion and the kids learned how powerful a persuasive piece of writing can be. In the book, Stella shares her opinion in a letter that is read by the principal. At the end of the story, the principal agrees with Stella and makes a change at school. First, it was important for the kids to understand the difference between a fact and an opinion. Next, they started to write their opinion with supporting reasons. The F & P reading assessments for January are in progress. The focus for the rest of the year continues to be fluency, accuracy and comprehension. In Math, in unit 5 the focus is on counting up to make change. An open number line teaches kids how to add and subtract numbers. More practice on reading and writing the time on a clock is another focus this month. Sincerely, Email: nreagan@sau17.net Mrs. Reagan Phone: (603)-642-5272 X 135 IMPORTANT DATES: January 26 – Progress Reports go home February 7 – Early Release February 14 – Valentine’s Day exchange February 26-March 2 ~ Winter Vacation Class List for Valentine’s day cards Ally Andrew Ava Avery Aydin Caden Carey Devin John Juliana Logan Mikey Owen Sammy Stella Mr. Cook Ms. M

Calendar for Frosty's visits to your house!

PENGUIN PACK CALENDAR Here’s a calendar for Frosty’s home visits. Please keep in mind that these dates may change due to snow days, student absences, or the penguin pack being left at someone’s house. Please help your child remember to return Frosty (and his penguin pack) to school the next day so the scheduled child can bring him home. Thanks!!! January 11: Mrs. Reagan January 12: Stella January 16: Sammy January 17: Owen January 18: Mikey January 19: Logan January 22: John January 23: Juliana January 25: Devin January 26: Carey January 29: Caden January 30: Aydin January 31: Avery February 1: Ava February 2: Andrew February 5: Ally

Frosty the Penguin has arrived in 2R

January 2017 Dear Families, I have been reading aloud from Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard Atwater. Yesterday, we received a special package sent from Admiral Drake, all the way from Antarctica.  The children anxiously opened the package and discovered Frosty the penguin was inside! Each child will be bringing Frosty home for one night. The children are expected to write about their adventures with Frosty in our class journal, there are directions inside the journal to follow. The children may want to include Frosty in all of their activities…dance, gymnastics, sports, scouts, or any special family event. Just to let you know, Frosty is not a TV or video game fan, but he does love to be read to. His favorite book is Three Cheers for Tacky, included in the penguin pack bag. Your child will need to protect Frosty and the bag (and contents) from animals and younger siblings. I hope you will join us in sharing the excitement of Frosty. We look forward to reading many parent journal entries, too! I’m sure you will enjoy having Frosty as a houseguest! The children are very excited about bringing him home. Please help your child to remember to return everything to school (protected inside the giant baggie) the next day. A calendar is attached so you’ll know when to expect Frosty at YOUR house (the schedule may change due to an absent child or a snow day). Thanks for your flexibility! I know your child will look back on this experience fondly. Thanks in advance for your time, participation, and support! Enjoy! Mrs. Reagan 

Newsletter - 12/15/17

December 15, 2017 Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for sending in the appropriate clothes for your child to wear outside for recess fun in the snow. There will be NO math or spelling homework next week! We will resume the homework in the New Year! Enjoy reading with your child this week!! In the Classroom In Writer’s Workshop, the kids came up their list for Santa and wrote a nice, friendly letter. They also had a chance to do some creative writing with a fun writing activity called Winter-Roll A-Story. With a roll of the dice, they find out who the character is, where the story takes place and the problem. Next, they write a fantastic story with the story elements from the dice roll. Each student makes up his/her own solution! They turned out great! Math – We just finished Unit 4 and kids are completing the assessment. After the holiday break we will begin Unit 5 which reviews addition and subtraction problems in the context of money and number stories. They will learn strategies for mentally adding and subtracting 10 and 100. Science – Our science exploration next week is a design and engineering task where the kids get to design and build a sled for Santa. We will test the sleds on an outdoors slide. This should be lots of fun! Have a great weekend! Mrs. Reagan Important Dates 2R Holiday party – Wednesday, 12/20 at 2:15 Thanks in advance for helping with our celebration! Holiday Vacation – Monday, December 25 – Monday, January 1, 2018 – School starts on Tuesday, January 2, 2018! Happy New Year!!